You’re the Founder of Mad Men Marketing – how did it all begin?
I’ve always loved marketing and advertising. It is what I went to school for. And being an entrepreneur has always seemingly been in my blood. I got myself through college by opening and running an automotive repair shop at night. I started the company as Cornerstone Consulting, thinking people would understand the meaning and the necessity of what a cornerstone’s purpose is. Well no one would call me back. Fast forward a few years, and on the suggestion of friend, I started watching the show Mad Men. It made perfect sense to play on the shows popularity. I changed the name to Mad Men Marketing and needless to say, it was much easier to get people to call me back!
What’s your favorite aspect of the work you do here?
My favorite aspect is all the stuff! I love working with marvel universe level creative thinkers and innovators. Our team is like the Avengers, hell dare I say the ADvengers! And beyond the creative, I cannot say how much I love watching a small local business grow and thank us for our help in the process. I get a similar satisfaction form watching regional and national clients listen to our consumer driven approach and let us build them interactive campaigns that are not just an interruption of consumer time.
Will we see a Friends of Blake reunion tour?
I hope so! Justin and I have been writing new songs and playing all the time! At the very least FOB will ride again as an acoustic duo and occasionally a trio!
Any wisdom to share with other business owners?
Leave fear at the door. Always be learning and changing. And hire Mad Men Marketing if you like to make money and want more of it 🙂