
How to Determine a Marketing Budget for Your Business

Creating an effective marketing budget is pivotal for any business aiming to thrive in today’s competitive marketplace. Whether you’re launching a new product, expanding your market reach, or simply looking to boost your brand awareness, a well-planned marketing budget can significantly contribute to achieving your business goals. Here’s how to set a marketing budget that aligns with your business objectives and industry standards.


  1. Understand Your Sales Funnel

Start by analyzing your sales funnel to understand how customers discover your business and make purchase decisions. This insight will help you identify which stages of the funnel require more investment to optimize the customer journey from awareness to conversion.


  1. Set Clear Marketing Objectives

Define what you want to achieve with your marketing efforts. Are you looking to increase brand awareness, boost sales, or enter a new market? Your objectives should be SMART: Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound.


  1. Analyze Past Marketing Performance

If you’ve run marketing campaigns in the past, assess their performance to determine what worked and what didn’t. This analysis can help you allocate your budget more effectively, ensuring better returns on investment.


  1. Consider Your Industry Benchmarks

Research what similar businesses in your industry are spending on marketing. While it’s not necessary to match your competitors dollar for dollar, understanding industry benchmarks can provide a helpful context for your budgeting decisions.


  1. Choose Your Marketing Channels Wisely

Different marketing channels offer varying returns on investment. Consider your target audience, marketing objectives, and past performance data to select channels that will offer the best ROI for your business.


  1. Allocate Your Budget Across Channels

Divide your marketing budget across chosen channels based on their expected performance and your business priorities. Be flexible and willing to adjust your allocations as you monitor campaign performance and market conditions.


  1. Monitor, Measure, and Adjust

Review your marketing activities’ performance against your objectives regularly. Be prepared to reallocate funds from underperforming channels to those delivering better results.


  1. Factor in Operational Costs

Remember to account for operational costs related to marketing, such as software subscriptions, agency fees, and employee salaries. These costs should be a part of your overall marketing budget to avoid underestimation.


Establishing Your Marketing Budget


A rule of thumb is to allocate a percentage of your gross revenue to marketing. New businesses might spend between 12% to 20% of their gross revenue on marketing, while established businesses might allocate between 6% to 12%. However, the right percentage depends on your industry, size, and growth stage.


Determining the right marketing budget for your business involves a blend of strategic planning, industry insight, and ongoing evaluation. By following these steps, you can create a marketing budget that supports your business goals and maximizes your return on investment.


Done all that? Now what?!


Once you’ve done all of that, it’s time to put your newly minted budget to work! Reach out to our full-service ad agency, and let us help you craft the killer campaigns & strategies you and your business deserve. 


With our knowledge of and experience with crafting impactful marketing strategies that drive results, we can help you optimize your marketing spend in order to get the ROI you need. Contact us today at 904-355-1766.