Broadcast Television
Better yet, if you are small business with a budget of less than $100k per year - have you ever considered buying broadcast? You may be shocked to learn some things...Have you ever wondered how great it would be for your business if you could have a spot in American Idol? Or CSI, Blue Bloods or any other big prime...
Mobile Advertising is Taking Over
Where do you spend your ad dollars? With online usage jumping through the roof the past couple years, advertisers now have to consider this as a means of advertising. After reading an article by Richard Ting on I thought about these changes to the advertising world, and was able to put some numbers to it. People are now spending...
Creativity or Client Needs.. Which comes first?
While reading a recent article in Ad Age, I noticed the author's plea to not drop innovation and creativity just because the client does not ask for it. The ability to come up with great ideas is the whole reason we are in this business. Most anyone can do 'research' to find ways to 'best' the competition, but creativity and...
Why aren’t you looking for an ad agency? Going from good to great!
One such conversation happened about a week or so ago...when the "marketing" person at this particular company said he doesn't believe we can get better rates on ad space and that he is doing everything right and wouldn't want to risk a good thing. Now, I can agree with not wanting to mess with a good thing, but why would...
Conservative Talk Radio Programming
I think there are a lot of advertisers that choose to align with a show like this. Is it because they are conservative? No it is because one thing - he has an audience! Do you consider what type of audience you are trying to reach with your advertising dollar? I think far too many times companies are choosing to...