Mad Men Are Mad About Dining In Jacksonville
Ryan- LOS PORTALES on Belfort is my home away from home. The staff is incredibly friendly and if you know your Mexican food, you can order chorizo con queso which isn't even on the menu, PLUS they have dollar domestic beers all day, every day. Very near to the Mad Men office is UNDERBELLY which has a limited menu, but...
Working and Living Downtown
There's a different vibe here. The hustle and bustle of the city streets. Cars driving by... people talking below. The city is alive, and we are a part if it. And with that life, breathes creativity! Mad Men felt that breath of invigoration when we were finally able to expand into our new space downtown and we've been soaking it...
Bay Street Renaissance
Tax breaks are currently in place that allow citizens of Jacksonville to reside in a more historic part of the city. These tax breaks take 50% off of your property taxes for 10 years. Enticing isn't it? So here's the really big question: where's the love for all the business owners that want to make downtown a vibrant place that...
Football and Philanthropy
It's no secret that most big name receivers and running backs develop an ego. To quell that sort of behavior and provide an incentive to those players who choose to simply hand the ball to the official upon scoring a touchdown, Mularkey makes a charitable contribution to the Ronald McDonald House in the amount of $250. If last Friday's victory...
Let’s Get Political
Forget abortions, forget gay marriage, and the legalization of marijuana. The nation's economy and its lack of perceived upswing will be at the heart of the political discussion this election year, as it should be. What Mr. Romney will have you believe is that he has a solution. I promise you that he does not. He's not an economist by...