PPC Trends of 2022

Category: Advertising • November 8, 2021

PPC Trends to look for in 2022 As I am writing this for "things to look for in the PPC (pay-per-click) world in 2022", things are already changing and will be somewhat different by the time this blog is indexed by Google and read by you. However, this list below will still be a strong list to consider when building...

Advertising Locally on Streaming TV

Advertising Locally on Streaming TV (specifically Hulu) I think everyone knows what streaming TV is, but in the very basic terms, it is the digital distribution of any video content that is consumed on TV screens. Some popular platforms are Disney+, Netflix, Prime and for this article, Hulu. I am focusing on Hulu because they are the first service to...

The History of Memes and Why We Use Them in Social Marketing

Category: Social Media • June 29, 2021

Leeroy Jenkins. Numa Numa. The “I can haz cheezburger?” cat. Oh, how memes have changed in such a short amount of time. But even as memes are largely associated with the internet, can we really say that they’re actually… new? After all, where did memes even come from? And when? And, more importantly, how do they factor into your marketing...

Marketing Methods And The Merit Of Earned Media

Category: Advertising,Social Media • May 25, 2021

Let’s be honest: you want to see your business’s name on the news, but you don’t want to have to pay to get there. After all, intentional ads are all well and good, but journalistic attention is far more likely to bring in the leads you can actually convert, right? We understand. While owned media and paid media certainly offer...

The Model You’re Missing Out On: It’s Time To Factor In Freemium

Category: Advertising • March 16, 2021

Filing Through The Freemium Facts The math is simple: Free Content + Premium Content = The Freemium Model. In other words, freemium content utilizes a two-tiered conversion strategy aimed at targeting new leads with free content and/or services. This is because, by offering your audience access to your product with no strings attached, you can continually build trust with them...